Answers For Caregivers
Frequently asked questions for caregivers
How are caregivers screened?
Verification of all education and academic degrees
Past employment verified and references check, including questions such as: “Would you hire this person again?”
Social Security ADP search
Multi-state sex offender search
National Criminal Court Record search
Motor Vehicle Records (Candidates may be denied employment if too many points are on their license)
Upon request, further screening of a candidate — such as drug testing — will be performed
Speaking to 4-6 work references
Two excellent character references are required
Do I pay a fee to Kenzie Caregivers after I’ve been hired?
No, caregivers do not pay a fee.
What should I expect as a salary?
Our caregivers earn hourly wages between $18 - $30. Experience, educational background, and salary history impact your earning potential.
What will be my responsibilities as a caregiver?
Responsibilities vary from family to family. Some nannies are expected to take all child-related duties. This may include a child’s laundry, cleaning of the child’s bedroom and playroom, and tidying up the kitchen after meals.
Depending upon the child’s age, you will be expected to guide the child in age-appropriate learning activities. Some caregivers are responsible for child-related errands, such as arranging play dates and transporting the children to and from activities or dental/doctor appointments.
Before a caregiver is offered a job, a work agreement will be signed to ensure both the caregiver and the family understand and accept the responsibilities.
What happens after I submit my application to you?
As soon as we receive your application, we contact your previous employers and begin the background screening process. We then contact you to schedule a face-to-face interview. This interview is very important in helping us match you with the right family.
We then inform you of available positions and arrange interviews with families. Once you accept a position, a work agreement is signed and a start date is decided.
I have raised my own children but have never worked as a professional caregiver. Can I be considered for a job with Kenzie Caregivers?
We prefer professional-related references to be considered for employment. Therefore, we strongly recommend you gain at least two years of experience working as a professional caregiver before applying.
In some cases, a family will agree to interview a caregiver who has clearly demonstrated expertise in her field through many years (15+) of “life experiences” which have prepared her perfectly to work as a nanny.